
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

To Hell With Feminism

Have you ever had those mornings when you think about the ironies of life like why bald guys wear ponytails? Well, neither have I, but let us assume that we all have for the sake of driving my point home.

1 Timothy 2 : 11-14; Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. But women will be saved in childbearing - if they continue in faith.... Ironies.....ironies. Need I say more? I probably should, in that if you want to find patriachy, religion would be the best place to do so, but that is none of my business.

Hitherto, I see feminism and women empowerment everywhere. From FIDA organization where women are protected after they neuter their husbands to women groups and merry-go-rounds. Ofcourse the world has taken massive steps from ensuring that with pregnancies come the right to impose paternity on that unlucky Tom, Dick or whoever to remedying marriage with pain and suffering to the man in terms of alimony and child support. Hurrah!

I sound skeptical and a bit sarcastic but really, I possess the aforementioned feelings. The irony of feminism and women empowerment is that it has empowered patriachy which it intended to fizzle out.

The paradigm with feninism is that it is divided. We have the liberals who are the equivalent of the educated girl child, who believe that a teary speech with a clenched fist can change the world. They are the purse weilding, suit wearing stubborn types who believe that they deserve jobs and a good life, not because they have worked harder but because of "equality." They believe that men and women are equal curtailing the thesis that human stupidity is infinite. How can we be equal? Men lack intuition, problems associated with lady parts (including pregnancy) and the ability to have emotions. The liberals are evening playing fields which were already evened by patriachy, and woe unto you if you equate yourself to a lesser being like yours truly.

Secondly, we have the radicals who appreciate a stark difference and aim to be alienated from men altogether. I feel lesbians fall in this category and for that reason, I empathize. The perplexity with alienating men from women affairs is that it cannot be done, not unless we are wiped out of the face of the earth after the harvesting of our man parts for procreation. I strongly advise against this not only to save my life but my happy place.

We also have the cultural types who appreciate that women are different and celebrate their inner voice which makes them unique. They are the equivalent of the glass half full blondes who lol at every joke and OMG at potentially everything. This narrowly stereotyped group flaws on the dilemma as to whether this inner voice of the woman that they appreciate is actually inherent or is as a result of patriachy. The latter would result in them asserting male superiority which is to say that these blondes are digging their own graves with a moronic smile on their faces.

Then you get the neo-classical bunch who are a minority group of the majority population that is women. They have not only merged the aforementioned takes on feminism but have also developed a preponderance of thoughts. They seek to assert that equality does not mean equity and therefore women will only be equal when they are considered not as inferior, but special. They indeed are, and whoever thinks otherwise is a test-tube baby.

All in all, feminism is a good thing but it is deeply flawed.

Feminism tends to eliminate patriachy and in doing so, you impose a certain authority over the marginalised women. It is often said that your greatest enemy is yourself and that resonates all the way to feministic jurisprudence. The women empowering forgets that there is a faction of voiceless women living in abject poverty and gender-based violence. Somewhere in the world is a teenage girl being married off as a fourth trophy wife to her father's peer. I doubt that she would be the biggest fan of women empowerment two years down the line when that ship is long sailed. Feminism and women empowerment are myopic, capitalistic and biased to say the least.

In making men and women equal, we disadvantage the illiterate woman in the village who takes a beating from her husband to assert their love. Women are special and as such need to be treated in a special way. To hell with feminism and women empowerment!  Humanity is the way to go because it is not concerned with equality but equity. For equality is dividing food between two people equally while equity is giving the hungrier person more food. Educating the woman to have a sense of identity like the male species as opposed to identifying with temporary groups is a way to eliminate female vulnerability. For at the end of the day, groups come and go but your ego stays.

It is truly a sad day when yours truly is the voice of reason for women.

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